It is Friday!
...and that's all I have to say about that.
A view of the world through a resting Deity's eyes and possibly the bottom of her glass.
I had heard from my international friends that US news tends to have a different bend to it, either it has more of a fear mongering tone to it or the important stories get buried because they're either "not important to Americans" or don't fit the agenda of the news agency. Also, my US friends traveling abroad and trying to catch up with the news would see stories (really important stories) that never made it over to the states or stories presented in a much more rational sense.
Would someone tell Mother Nature to get off her ass and turn on the faucet for the rain clouds already!!??
Dammit, I left my cellphone at home! I hate that! $%&^@#%$%
And J was most kind enough to buy me a dragon to stand watch over my apartment!
The weekend was filled with gathering up goodies for J's new place and also gathering up new things for my apartment as well. Things to help with that whole "after-college apartment" to "home" transition. Not that I was sitting on box crates or anything like that before, but after this weekend my apartment is definitely much more like a "home."
From one of the message boards I frequent:
[A comment from a creationist]
One of the most basic laws in the universe is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This states that as time goes by, entropy in an environment will increase. Evolution argues differently against a law that is accepted EVERYWHERE BY EVERYONE. Evolution says that we started out simple, and over time became more complex. That just isn't possible: UNLESS there is a giant outside source of energy supplying the Earth with huge amounts of energy. If there were such a source, scientists would certainly know about it.
[to which someone posing as "the sun" retorted back with]
...because I'm wearing these babies...
This is a term I give to people that have disappeared from the face of my personal "earth" or social stratosphere, so to speak. It's an offshoot of the Irish proverb, "a man is never too drunk if he can at least grab a blade of grass and not fall off the earth," just minus the drinking part. It's kind of implying that you're never not my friend unless you can at least keep in minimal contact with me, an email every now and then, a text message or some other "blade of grass." (And YAY for double negatives! I like to test my friend's logic as well. :-P )
Saturday was interesting in the mind-numbing sense of the word. I was expecting my mattress to be delivered between 9AM and 1PM (which really means somewhere between 9AM and my death) so I enlisted the help of my sister so that I wouldn't be alone driving myself crazy waiting for the mattress and also, you never know with delivery people (power in numbers!).
This weekend was one of those wonderful weekends that involved a lot of different people and took me to a bunch of different places, a smorgasbord so to speak.
Well, I have my semi-daily Mitchism, so I figure I'd add something else to this blog to give it some more regularity. (Beside having it eat a salad.)
If you go to my home page and check out the newest addition to my "Web Obsessions" on my sidebar you will see a nifty site that shows you different ways of modding your IKEA furniture. So if you are bored with things around your place and want to change it up a bit, take a look-see around this site.
Hangar 17 in JFK Airport is where the structural debris from Towers 1 & 2 are being held. Here's a link to the AM New York photo display so that you can have a look. **Edited 9/7/09: New link to MSNBC article, AM NY became a dead link:**
I joined the club and started drinking the Kool-Aid!
I am broke.
So this is roughly what it'll look like:
So over the weekend I decided to finally take the plunge and buy myself a new bed. Something that is actually mine and is actually a decent size bed, not that my bed before was that bad, but it was neither of those two things that I mentioned before. We're talking a hand-me-down twin size bed from my grandmother. It was definitely great and served it's purpose, but I'm all grown up now and can afford a new mattress plus, I want the biggest bed possible so that I can brag about it like a proper adult!
Normally it takes me about 15 minutes to drive into work, taking local roads and avoiding the chaos that is I-95 traffic around New Haven. However, today that chaos somehow leaked onto the local main roads of West Haven, for what reason I have no idea. Was there some accident? Did aliens land? Who knows.
What the hell is this?
For some reason, I have this way of affecting computers that I use regularly. These poor metallic beasts end up having weird and funky things happen to them. Perhaps I am a witch? Well, my chem. lab professor back in college accused me of being one since my water wouldn't boil in 4 hours worth of heating, so maybe he was onto something.