Computers are Weird
For some reason, I have this way of affecting computers that I use regularly. These poor metallic beasts end up having weird and funky things happen to them. Perhaps I am a witch? Well, my chem. lab professor back in college accused me of being one since my water wouldn't boil in 4 hours worth of heating, so maybe he was onto something.
Case in point, my glorious (4 GB RAM) desktop at work is one badass piece of machinery. If I could I would marry it I would, just to make my life a whole lot easier, but alas, Congress has not approved human-machine marriages yet (weeps to self). However, ever since I've started using it which is around 3 months so far, weird things keep happening to the installed programs. Weird error messages pop up, commands in AutoCAD and other programs mysteriously change while I'm using the program and the computer will occasionally freeze for no apparent reason and then I'll have to restart it just to get it free again.
My office IT guy called up the big, bad New York boys in my company to fix the problem (while temporarily taking over my computer and fully violating it right in front of me) and they had to do a complete reinstall of AutoCAD just to get it to start printing PDFs properly. Then, while they were surfing around my computer, they recommended a full reinstall since "weird things are happening."
My poor computer is sick or maybe I'm just a witch...we shall never know. I did, however, completely short out the alarm system in our house when I was a kid by simply touching the control panel. BEAT THAT!! Yay for static electricity!
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