Mitch Hedburg
If you don't know him, please consult within. I love this man.
A view of the world through a resting Deity's eyes and possibly the bottom of her glass.
Yes, I know that I'm 24 and should have gotten that out of my system already, but I have to admit that I miss trick or treating. Not that eating candy crap, but the actual dressing up and walking with my parents around the neighborhood ringing doorbells and getting to see the insides of all these people's houses that you normally never knew existed or didn't care to give their house another look. It's very intimate, if you think about it, you are essentially opening up a part of your life to someone dressed up in a weird costume and giving them candy. It's the holiday were it's still OK to do that, be intimate and cordial to your neighbors without asking anything in return.
My engineering brotha from anotha motha has listed me in his bloggie list! w00t
I've noticed that the more social I get, the less I update anything web related. So yeah, you guys will just have to wait until I'm bored and lonely again for any major update. :-P
I think I spent too much last weekend on clothing for myself and birthday presents for my sister because now I'm starting to feel the tightening of my wallet. You'd think by now that I'd be able to budget since I actually have a somewhat predictable salary, but oh no, not with my spending habits. I think I really need to sit down tonight and figure out how much I can comfortably spend in a month. It's accounting night kiddies! WOOO!! I bet you can't wait to be an adult too so you can spend your nights going over bills!
You really know when something is essential to you or at least really important to you when you start to take it for granted. This is just human nature and we all do it unfortunately, and I'm definitely doing it right now with my current social situation. This does mean that I'm having a great time because of the fact that I'm taking it for granted, if you follow what I mean.
...and they have cooties too!!
Oh rejoice! Thinkgeek, one of my favorite places to shop online, has just got a whole new batch of Mario and old school Nintendo toys from Japan. The Japanese are much more cultured then us heathen American's, I mean they still have and sell Mario paraphenalia.
...because I'm not good at it!
Seeing if I can post from my cellphone.
Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer
EDIT: Oooo, and I can, that's so cool.
Yeah I got sick of my previous blog on MSN Spaces, since it would take forever to load. Damn you Microsoft!!