I think I spent too much last weekend on clothing for myself and birthday presents for my sister because now I'm starting to feel the tightening of my wallet. You'd think by now that I'd be able to budget since I actually have a somewhat predictable salary, but oh no, not with my spending habits. I think I really need to sit down tonight and figure out how much I can comfortably spend in a month. It's accounting night kiddies! WOOO!! I bet you can't wait to be an adult too so you can spend your nights going over bills!
But it's all in preparation for how much frolicking I can do on the weekend and for the coming weekend since I may be hopping the train into New York for a Halloween party. So yeah, I'm going to be a penny-pincher for a while until the weekends which I know I should be anyway, but I'm REALLY REALLY going to try to stick to it this time. I promise...
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