Tired Social Butterfly
You really know when something is essential to you or at least really important to you when you start to take it for granted. This is just human nature and we all do it unfortunately, and I'm definitely doing it right now with my current social situation. This does mean that I'm having a great time because of the fact that I'm taking it for granted, if you follow what I mean.
Since I'm out and about WAY more than the winter time, I've noticed that I miss just spending time in my apartment reading or doing nothing, even though when I had all the alone time in the world I wished I was out barring and partying. This makes no sense, but the grass is always greener on the other side, isn't it??
And don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade my current social situation for anything in the world right now, I'm having a great time and doing it with people who are somewhat on the same page as me in the sense of staying out late, but not too late and partying hard, but not too hard. So it's a wonderful party balance I must say, but I do miss reading a magazine in my apartment or curling up with a book in bed.
God, I sound so spoiled right now! WAH WAH WAH! Oh well, I'll be fine when I finally do get home tonight.
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