A Trick or Treater No More
Yes, I know that I'm 24 and should have gotten that out of my system already, but I have to admit that I miss trick or treating. Not that eating candy crap, but the actual dressing up and walking with my parents around the neighborhood ringing doorbells and getting to see the insides of all these people's houses that you normally never knew existed or didn't care to give their house another look. It's very intimate, if you think about it, you are essentially opening up a part of your life to someone dressed up in a weird costume and giving them candy. It's the holiday were it's still OK to do that, be intimate and cordial to your neighbors without asking anything in return.
However, I am kind of glad that I live in an apartment building though and I don't have to worry about feeding the neighborhood children this year since I'm painfully broke until tomorrow. So screw you neighborhood kids! Eris is scrooging out this year!
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