Creative Juices Flowing Again
Well, I'm finally happy and busy again which means that blood is finally getting over to that creative half of my brain that's been dormant and asleep for too long. A little depression or sadness is good for creating, but too much and I'm just happy to be able to make it out of my pajamas (I'm referring to the last 6 months or so when I was laid off). Now that I'm at work and spend hours dedicated to one major thing at a time, my brain always likes to float around and think up creative things to do for when I take a break. Drawing is something that's been coming to mind again.
It's been a while since I've picked up a pencil and sketchbook, I have to admit. I started dabbling into photography when I moved in '04 to my current place by the sea, so it would take some still lifes to get my skill level back up again. I'll have to see...
I've been getting some ideas to do little characters and maybe using one frame or two to take a look into their little experiences. Kind of like Calvin and Hobbes would do occasionally, but instead of delving into a story, I'd just keep it to one or two panels.
I'm thinking some good thinks and will try to get to some drawing again, so we shall see.