Happy and Kind of Dreamy
It was a great month spent with Clive. We got each other's kinks and personal space down, we've developed our roles in the relationship and even had our first fight, in GCT no less ;-). I think that's a good month indeed. Now he's away to visit with his daughter back home and then take in as much California NIN as his budget and time will allow, plus pay a visit to all his old west coast buddies before he'll fly out to see me again for another month.
It's all very weird and happy and kind of dreamy, I'm still kind of learning how to deal with everything, plus the new job. I've pretty much had a reset button pushed on my life and it's nice to be able to share that with someone special. :-)
Now the fun stuff starts where we start to integrate the material into our lives; where his things will go, eventually finding a new, larger place to live so that we can have more space and he'll be able to work more comfortably at home in, and maybe teaching him how to drive with myself finding a proper bicycle.
As we approach autumn, my favorite season, I'm approaching a very contemplative portion of my life. I definitely need to get a nice brisk walk in before it turns into 80 degrees again. A good cold autumn walk always set my mind to rest and especially done in New Haven I'll be able to take a mental breather or two and sit down to write down something important or enjoy the scenery. All these new things to think about and plan for are entering my life and I'll need some time alone to let them sink in.
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