Getting the Piss Taken Out of Me
Well, it's official, I got the piss taken out of me at work today. Bright and early and before my morning cup of coffee, so I was completely taken off guard.
But before you go, "OMG, are you OK, were you fired" I must explain why this is good and why I was secretly looking forward to it.
My bosses do this to EVERYONE. The structural boss does it to assert dominance and to see how far he can push you before you start to defend yourself, very smart actually since I started to push back at a good time and brought up a very valid point at the same time.
The President of the firm, the boss' boss, took the piss out of me about paperwork. God help me, paperwork will be the death of me, I know this, they know this, but it was his first and very heavy handed attempt to try and drill home to me the fact that a) we can get our ass sued and b) people can get hurt. The last bit pertains to an example of say I find a mistake on someone's drawing and correct it, and I don't sent it out the official way and with the official paperwork, what happens then? Those changes may not be made and something could happen.
The President is also a squirrely little guy, someone who has to constantly reassert himself as head honcho and I kind of turn my nose down at that, but he knows I still do respect him and that I have his back. I may give him a cock-eyed look from time to time, but still.
Afterwards I bumped into one of the other ladies that I work with and we talked about it. Turns out that's initiation and it used to be much worse apparently. "Oh yeah, it happens to everyone, regularly, but it turns out they like you, so it'll be fine."
*rolls eyes* I guess this is why we drink it up on Friday's at 4:30 then. It all makes sense now.
But to be honest, my structural boss is a cool guy. He's really really experienced and is about to hid 80 soon, this is very very rare and I am cherishing having a head PE of this age. He's someone that used slide rulers...that's right SLIDE RULERS!! And apparently he digs my style, so *knocking on wood* I think this may work out. *crosses fingers, toes, legs and anything else I can*.
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