Old Injuries, Old Memories
My ankle has been acting up for the past few months or so. This is of my own doing and it's frankly what I deserve for not following up with my stretching exercises (and thinking that they're stupid).
After not being able to wear girly shoes or go without and ACE bandage for more than a few days, what I have surmised is that THOSE STRETCHING EXERCISES ARE NOT STUPID, I AM.
Back in college, probably sophomore or junior year, I was taking the stairs down in the Math and Sciences Building (MSB for you UCONN savvy) and my right foot turned in and down as I took a step. I then fell down a fllight of stairs (well skidded really, thankfully) and ended up as a heap at the bottom. I thought I broke my leg and didn't know what to do. A teacher comes out and instead of helping me, kicked me out of the stairs, limping since, "YOU ARE IN THE WAY, MOVE." Thanks, I hope life has dealt you back all of your karma, but anyway...
My friends I was going to meet, call me up and they find me and then take me to the infirmary. They slap a bandage on me and call it a day. Over the course of the next week I get a tearing sensation whenever I lean or put weight on the ball of my foot, so I go back to the infirmary. Thankfully, UCONN has a whole sports medicine program ("and there was much rejoicing...yay!") so I began a month and a half expedition into rebuilding my ankle tendons and resetting my bones, literally.
What had happened is that one of the bones in my shin has popped out of it's base in the top of my foot (the ankle) because the tendons got maxed out, but they had not torn. So the physical therapy consisted of a) resetting my poor bones and b) strengthening my ankle. Hence, we get to that big b). I have certain exercises I should have been doing at least once a day that will help promote the healthy location of my bones and further strengthen the ankles. Have I been doing those, meh.
What do I get for "meh," a month of ACE bandages and pain.
I have to realize this is a life long condition. Thankfully, it's not something as severe as other life long conditions, but it's enough that if I don't remember to take care of, it effects my life. :-(
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