Managing Work Stress
(and trying not to take it out on the people that you love). *sigh*
Having that 6 month spell of not having a boss to answer to has made me forget about one of my past Laws of Having a Stressful Job, never bring home your work!
By "work" I mean the collective meaning of work, the stresses involved with project turn over and more importantly the stresses involved with working under 2 very rigid minded bosses. They all mean well, but I have to learn to leave those feelings of submissiveness at my desk and not bring it home to take it out on the people that I love. Nipping at your boyfriend about the right time to go to Stop & Shop and over how things should be organized are not effective or healthy ways of dealing with work stress and feelings of lack of control at work. Controlling the minutiae of details at home is not a way to deal with your bosses controlling every aspect of what you do at work.
These are things I need to repeat to myself because I love my family and I know it's not any of them purposely doing things to tick me off, sadly it's how I'm perceiving them.
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