Was in the city today to attend a slightly ritzy/still slightly laid back meeting with everyone involved in designing/building this penthouse that I've been working on as the lead junior engineer (the big time engineer has the stamp and approves my design, I do the actual designing, he's an associate of my boss so it's pretty cool).
Had we not been wrapped up in a meeting for a couple hours or did a full site visit, I would have called people to see what they were up to, but sadly I was too tired and just wanted to get home and nap. You people know who you are.
But anyway, on to the point of the post, I wish I could somehow magically live in Manhattan and stay at my job all at the same time. *sigh*
I absolutely love being in Manhattan, I take every opportunity I can to make it down there and I make excuses to visit as much as possible. There's something about that place that feels like home and is immensely comforting and yet at the same time possesses a tremendous force and keeps me at the edge of my seat.
The feeling I get is kind of like bumping into someone that used to be in class with you, but you weren't close friends: you cross paths and stare at each other for a while, both knowing you recognize the other and are both trying to figure out where you've met before. There's something familiar and comfortable, but you don't know why.
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