Weekend Shenanigans
I always end up doing the blogging round up on Monday because I know myself and there's no way I'm going to take time away from the fun I'm having in order to blog properly. Blogging, to me, is always a way to record and remember the activities I've done. The most I can get to active blogging is my Twitter and that's even a little shaky.
So here's the recap:
* went to visit my friend and had dinner and drinks around her neck of the woods.
- Dinner was at a great Chinese restaurant called Hunan Balcony that actually served you tea with your meal, I know, that's what I said...I'm just so used to the local questionable places that this one made me believe in stellar Chinese restaurants again. Great tea, the food was very good and didn't make me feel fat after I ate it which is hard to do with some Chinese restaurants.
- Drinks were at this great local Irish pub called the An Beal Bocht (and I have no idea how to pronounce that, so your guess is as good as mine). The place was very chill and laid back, plus there were all types of people there so I don't think anyone would ever feel out of place if they stopped in for a drink. I will definitely be back there again as the waiters and clientèle were quite cute.
* got a massive headache because Mother Nature must have been having a visit with her Aunt Flo. She seemed to periodically squish my widdle head from the clouds. But after we got back I felt better. *shudder*
*fixed my friend's bookcases over tasty duck and excellent wine
...like really good wine
...like EPIC WIN wine (holy crap that was good wine)
So 'twas a good weekend indeed. Next weekend shall be spent with my sister and we shall have happy fun times in Long Island and around my place as we have a mission to fix one of her ear piercings and also take a trip on the ferry.
oh, you're gonna make me whap you with one of my serious pet peeves...
a shutter is what goes ove a window, or a camera. A shudder is what your body does. Don't make me get all editorial on you!
No speaka thee inglish...only mezza-mezz.
OK, I fixed it. *runs away*
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