Stealing Some Time
Well, I'm early for my site visit this morning, so I finally have some me time to sit back and blog for a bit.
Wow, it's been busy at work and Darcy/Gert has been getting a workout all over the tri-state area. Yonkers, Manhattan, Norwalk, Tarrytown...eesh...But, this is all happy busy times, I'm happy to be working with my place and it seems like all is OK with me.
The creepy guy at work, that I was convinced would end up stuffing me in a box and leaving me by the side of the road, is quitting. Isn't that awesome! Now we don't have to wait for him to go postal!
CC is good, but busy, so flirting has been few, but still magical and cute. Tee hee. Why doesn't he just ask me out! BA!
This weekend will be a time to recuperate and take in some of my beach, weather permitting of course and then to celebrate Father's Day with my Dad. I have this awesome pop up card to give him and a nice check. :-)
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