Potential Road Trip!
I preface with "potential" because I may end up taking a train, but I think for my sanity I will just try to enjoy this time that I've been given and use it for good things like a massive PA road trip to Burgettstown, PA. Why you ask would I drive 8 hours away and through the most boring highway system ever, well the answer is NIN of course and if you didn't know that, shame on you. You should know that even casual NIN fans are willing to travel half way across the globe for a NIN show and to also meet up with their fellow NINnies for some NINtastic bar and club gatherings.
Also, I'm being called over by some awesome people that I haven't seen in almost a year and they're going to put me up for the night, so what the hell. It's NIN time and NIN time spent with NIN friends, YAY! (And how many times can I use NIN as an adjective? Hmm...)
So to break up the 8 hours I think I'll have a stop over in the capital of Harrisburg and soak up some of the local goodies that are there. I really love checking out antique stores, so I must hit up this place I found on Google Maps, Atomic Warehouse. It looks like a good spread of retro toys and clothing as well as some funky things in general. Perhaps I can expand on my cigar box collection, muahahahaa! I'm not above haggling with my local smoke shoppe for their left over empty cigar boxes and leaving with a whole bag full, so this should be no problem at all. :-)
Also, I found a really funky coffee shop called Cafe di Luna that I must check out as well and maybe have a bite to eat before I leave for Burgettstown. I mean it has the number one quality for a funky coffee shop, a cheesily designed website with a cute musak song in the background. It may as well be a beacon in the distance for me.
So yeah, once I decide and actually commit to the road trip, you guys will definitely get a telling of the whole experience. I have my Blogger linked with my Twitter and everyone plays nice now, so let the road trip blogging commence! This comes out of my disappointment at not keeping travel logs when I went to the UK a couple years back. I had such tremendous experiences and just no time to actually blog about it, let alone a computer connection to let that blogging happen, so some of the memories have been dulled over time. However, now with the acquisition of my Crackberry and all the blogging sites under creation at my disposal, it is on like Donkey Kong, as they say.