Interview #2! w00t!
I encountered a problem today with my penthouse that's going up in Chelsea. One of the columns was far too weak to handle the wind coming in from a certain direction and thankfully the mistake (and typo apparently) was caught by someone. And who do you think it was caught by? Not the 4 engineers that had the opportunity to check over the drawings, not the steel detailer; it was one of the glass installation dudes (highly technical term by the way "dude," use it wisely) attaching a scaffolding to the column. Thank you! If I'm ever out there again I can kiss one of you guys! Well, only on the cheek and no hug...maybe...
So while on a conference call with, I believe the final total was 6 people, my phone rings with some 718 area code. At first I thought it was the other people giving me a call back, but that's Chelsea. So since I'm having a silent panic attack already on the phone, I figure I'll let that go to voicemail. They don't leave a message.
After the phone call and the following call with the engineer I answer too, who was tremendously awesome about the mistake and blamed himself too (everything's cool, it was an oversight of everyone involved, everyone's to blame, blah blah blah), I figure I'll call back this phantom number from one of the other boroughs since god-help-me it may be someone lost in the conference call we had. I call and get this receptionist from an engineering firm. (YOWZA!) Apparently the PE was calling back applicants for job offers. (YOWZA again!) So she says he's on the phone and he'll call you back.
So he does (yay) and we talk and dish and discuss and all that other stuff that happens on the pre-interview-interview. It's a small firm out of Queens, but they've been in business for 15 years and are about to leap into the 21st century with a website and a new engineer. I set up a time to go there and he gives me directions, yay again.
So I look through all the places I've applied too since I printed out all the ads or blind posts from Craig's List and guess how long ago I sent them my resume? 3 months ago...*sigh*
You know, even though I'm on the receiving end of this crap stick of the economy, I feel bad for these poor bastards that have to review ALL of these resumes. Can you imagine how many resumes these people are receiving if it took them 3 months to get back to me??!! Good god man...
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