The place in Queens turned out to be a complete crap hole and had an equally disappointing guy in charge who said I would make a good wife and that I shouldn't bother taking the PE exam because women don't do too well on the exam. So hence, I am not working there. And yeah, he actually said all of that.
I guess I've been very sheltered from all that misogyny. I went to college from '00-'04 and had about a decent 60-40 ratio in my classes, the later representing the females. I had mostly guy friends and there was no "well I have a penis so I'm better than you at math," in fact everything was so not an issue that when other girls would come up to me and say I was "doing something groundbreaking" I got angry at them because I didn't understand what they meant. Even out of college, in the scary professional world filled with cavemen and ex-football players, really wasn't that much of a problem.
My first boss, even though by the end I think his lyme disease was slowly making him crazy, he was still OK. I did get some sporadic female hits at my latest place, but nothing in that realm of "you can't possibly know how to do this since you're a woman." They were mostly flirting hits or from the caveman ex-marketing guy who was later fired and that doesn't count. He was kind of like a big fly on it's last legs buzzing around the office annoying everyone, finally my boss did the right thing and cornered him in the back office and splatted him with his newspaper.
So, I'm never really prepared when it comes to situations like this. I grin and bare it, and if anything make the person feel dumb by saying, "well of course I'm going to take my PE exam since you only have your PE Civil and don't have your PE Structural." That's code for "you wimped out and took the easier civil exam you waste of space, so go f*ck yourself." But then later on I feel icky about even stepping into an office like that and need to shower. Then I question my outfit, maybe I shouldn't have worn heels, maybe I should have worn my hair up, but then ultimately, nothing I could have done would make some guy like that take me more seriously. Hence why I'm not going to work for him.
So the plugging away with my resume continues, finding new leads from Google Maps and friends of mine. I have been getting some hits to my supersecret professional blog, so that makes me happy, since anything I've been sending out recently includes that address so it must be one of those people. The search continues...
Damn. Sorry you had to deal with that, but yeah, it's alive and still oozing around. Especially now that jobs are harder to come by, there are guys who are going to play the "girls can't..." card, the same way some people play the "I have a family to support and you don't so I should have this job" thing.
Having to duke it out on the basis of competence is too much for them.
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