Well, it's always interesting to remove yourself from your normal environment and throw yourself head first into another one. That is how I tend to do things: first flight ever was across the Atlantic, first hike ever we were practically repelling off of a rock face, I think you can get the picture. Sometimes I don't do that critical "middle step" that one should do in order to get to that higher point, but like a teacher of mine said before to my parents "well, your daughter dances to the beat of a different drum." CONGA LINE TO THE COPY ROOM, WOOOOOO!!
So anyway...this weekend I got invited to a party up in the sticks of Connecticut, well,
one of the many "sticks" that are in Connecticut. This is better known as the "valley" since it is, in fact, valley lands. This is also very suburban and also very white (to borrow from Borat, yes, there are many vanilla faces around). Now for me, I grew up in a very urban area and I live in a slightly less but still urban area, hence I feel more comfortable around different cultures and tend to feel better if I have at least 5 different cultures of take out food available for me. Any less, I get scared and start thinking I hear banjo music.
Needless to say, it did remind me of how college dorm parties used to go: drink, eat, drink, talk, drink, play beer pong, drink, play cards, drink, order food...and so on. Mostly because there's nothing really to do in the suburbs especially past dark which reflected on the similar lack of things to do up at my former
alma mater. Oh, the memories...
All in all, it was nice to: not have to pay $10 for a drink, be able to not wear makeup and get all gussied up, plus it was nice to talk to some really nice people and meet with others that I probably wouldn't have otherwise if I hadn't of walked out of my neck of the woods, or rather neck of the cityline.