Where'd all my money go?
Ouch, my wallet is still hot from the friction generated from all the money leaving it yesterday. I can probably cook an egg on that thing, good Lord!
But, that's what happens when you haven't been paid since mid May and most people were kind enough to let you slide until you did get paid, so I can't complain. However, now that I get paid on a very rigorous and regular pay schedule (every other week) I'll be able to budget a lot better and actually be able to start saving my money again. Rather than have it all disappear in one day.
That was probably one of the largest paychecks I ever got, but damn that was probably the quickest spent check at the same time.
Hah. I feel your pain -- I had to take Darcy to the dealer this morning, and give them all my money. *weeps*
And my paychecks are...somewhat more spaced out that yours. :-(
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