I start my new job tomorrow and the jitters have finally started to hit me, it being the day before and all.
I just hope this one goes well, I'm sick and tired of being home and not earning any money as well as not doing any actual engineering. I mean, it was great to get that massive severance check(s) and it did allow me to pay off some bills and stay afloat for a while, but I was never one to lay around idly. I've been working since I was 16 years old, so it was quite alien for me to just be at home with no prospect of a job to look forward too. Now a vacation from a job is another thing, those are great mostly because you know that you have a job to go back too. That's the difference.
Also, with the sh*t storm that happened at my previous job, I just want this one to go successfully. As I found out from anonymous sources, I was pretty much just a female statistic for my previous company, and the powers (or really power) that be at my branch was looking for excuses to get rid of me. No matter how good a job I did this one person always had something to say against it and this person finally found a way to drive me out of that branch. It got to the point where I would notice some of my calculations had been changed and I wasn't being given the right due dates for projects.
I'm not meant for that type of environment. I just want to come in and do the best I can at my job. I don't have the capacity to compete or backstab at my place of employment. I'm a simple girl that feels I should be able to trust (at least to some extent) my coworkers and that we're all in this together and we all need to do our best to get out our projects.
Agendas can be a horrible thing, and maybe I should have questioned how quick I was hired at this place and how they neglected to call up my references. And perhaps I should have went over someone's head and explained why I wasn't being given any work and why projects that I had been working on where being taken away from me.
Some people have antiquated ways of thinking and know the loop holes to use in order to get away with it. But at least I know that I'm still a good engineer and that's something that someone at my old branch will never be able to take away from me.
All the hush money in the world won't let me go quietly either, but thanks for cutting those checks anyway.