New Job Happiness and Sidebar Additions
Well, today went well at my new job. I got a chance to meet everyone and to get acquainted with how everything is done at this new place. I also got to see how much of a difference it makes when your boss values you and actually wants you around. "Party...bonus..."
It's like night and day when you compare where I work now to where I used to work, I'm so happy and have already started working on projects even though I was only there for a day. I really hope this happiness continues, but I imagine that it will turn into a "job" in no time. However, that would be a good thing, now that I think of it.
I like the normal job stress and I miss it; the annoying calls from contractors trying to clarify already over clarified instructions, architect's changing their minds yet again on building materials and building sections, the boss calling me on the weekend because he needs clarification on something or needs my help on something else...These make me feel like I'm a part of something, that I'm actually contributing to my job and and that I'm making a difference somehow. I think all engineers define themselves by how much stress they must endure because more stress equals more responsibility and how important you are to have around. So I welcome the job stress again because it means that I'm actually an employee.
And also, because there's no firewall at this place, I can now use my and actually share all the music I listen to on the regular. This past summer I've added more bands and groups to my rotation because of exposure from wonderful mix CD's I've received from friends abroad as well as finally picking up CD's I've been dying to get into for the longest time. So you'll see my track listing appear on the sidebar, as it once did.
So I get to brag about my music again, finally...
Good luck with the new job. Remember, you were all happy and aglow when you started the last new job. Just keep a level head and an open mind and I'm sure this one will work out better.
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