Taking Emotional Stock
Things are going well and I'm in a much better mood. My sister spent the night last night and we caught up and gabbed properly. Things are good with her and her new boyfriend (Yay! My sister's dating someone!), things are going well at her job and life is treating her well. To be honest, hearing all these good things about my sister totally brightened my mood, I'm still the big sister after all and want the best for my little sis. So when she's happy, I am happy. :-)
On the job front, as some people know already, someone may make an honest woman out of me. ;-) We touched on the subject since he brought it up first, so we'll see what happens next.
Money-wise, meh. It could be better, but I'm slowly getting things balanced and organized. There was an annual fee on one of my credit cards that came up unexpectedly, but it will get paid like normal soon, just need to wait a little while longer. #1 order of business when I get settled is to pay off my little credit cards. I'm sick and tired of having them and having weird fees and shenanigans get tacked on unexpectedly. *grumble*
Relationship front, :-). Friends front, yay varily!
So overall, things are good; definitely above "meh," but not exactly "yay" and definitely not "YAY!" So I am happy.
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