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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oh yeah, and one last thing...

I will now always bring my Crackberry with me into the bathroom, no questions asked. Why? Because as I was washing my face and was full of soap and water, my Crackberry dings from the other room.

I knew it was The Interview Dude giving me a call back so I rip the face towel off of the holder and try to take the soap off. Then I tried to open the door of my bathroom and because my hands were still soapy, the door knob wouldn't turn! IT WOULDN'T TURN! So I use the face towel to cover the door knob and get some friction as I'm turning it, then I make a dash for my phone. On the last ring, I pick up and finally get to talk to The Interview Dude. Whew...

So a rather eager, PC, professional small talk session ensued with me having soap in my eyes and trying to paw at it with a towel.


So yeah, that's it. Crackberry is coming into all bathrooms with me, be it a public bathroom or maybe even your bathroom, my fair Blog Reader. Muahahahaha! No bathroom is safe from my Crackberrying now! Watch as I cast aside decency and civility as I tap tap on my wee QWERTY board behind the bathroom stall or answer a call as I wash my hands. HA! Suffer!


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