Epic PA Roadtrip: 6/9-6/11
All I can say to sum up is I now know why people accuse the tri-state area of having crazy drivers because after I slipped back into my neck of the woods I had to get reacquainted to speeding, passing people at top speed and crazy exits that are 4 lanes away at a distance of 100 feet.
The Pennsylvania Turnpike was such an experience in itself, it really became a main part of my vacation. Even though some portions were heavily monitored by speed cops, most of it is not and that is a very cool thing when the speed limit is set at a nice 65 mph. The turnpike is nice and wide open, you have the beautiful mountain views of Pennsylvania in the distance and, most importantly and why it took some reacclimation getting back home, the drivers are SO nice out there! Everyone followed the Audubon rules of driving, pass on the left, drive on the right. Way was always given to faster drivers and there was no such thing as stop and go traffic. The most that happened was that as you approach Pittsburg, there was some congestion getting down the hill, but they had a sign that told you about it! OMG a congestion sign! Really?!
Another great amenity, besides smooth driving, were the epic roadside service plazas. They were all recently constructed and impeccably designed and maintained. The bathrooms were clean, the food was great and they even had little doggie parks around so that your dogs could stretch their legs. :-)
So on to the main reason for the trip: visiting with friends from Buffalo and seeing my last NIN concert ever. We all met at a great hotel in Coraopolis, PA (somewhere just outside of the Post Gazette Pavilion in Burgettstown). We meet, we get acquainted again, we hug, then it was off to the venue for NIN shenanigans and such. Really dug Street Sweeper Social Club, featuring Tom Morello on guitars. NIN was awesome as usual and this concert was a fitting end to my touring rein, well done. Then Jane's Addiction ended the night with an epic set that reminded me of my youth growing up in the 90's. It was great to hear them play songs I had only heard on the radio or seen videos of, a really nice feeling.
Since we all ended up meeting in PA, there was no sojourn to Buffalo or the Adirondacks. That will be for another time and another road trip in the future. But it did make my trip back even easier and nicer since I was able to visit people and see things that I didn't have time for while driving out the first time, so it was all good. I got to meet up with my friends dotted throughout PA, Lorena in Philly, Mel and Matt kayaking somewhere on the Towpath Park.
Also, while in Pittsburgh I made it a point to check out the Warhol museum. Growing up, I never really "got" what he was trying to convey, but in my 20's I had a breakthrough and I now enjoy his art and others like his immensely. I think you need to do some living first and need to be exposed to the plastic parts of society first before you get what Andy is conveying/making fun of/commenting on/playing around with.
The later part of his life, he became great friends/art partners with Jean-Michel Basquiat, who is another absolute favorite of mine. A great feature of this museum is that it featured their joint works together which I believe is something Andy would have wanted. It was a pleasure seeing their work together and you can see how well they collaborated on a shared vision. Such a great time and worth the price of admission ($15, grumble grumble).
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