So, I get an email this morning...
But before that, let's go through why I flipped out and curled into a little ball and started to cry tears of happy.
As you may know, we're in a little bit of a recession/depression/doom right now and my profession along with anything remotely connected to the building of buildings was affected. Because of this, along with banks freezing up creating our own mini Ice Age, my boss had to reduce his work force drastically and I was one of those people let go. This was back in the end of January and as of now it's officially been 3 months for me of no full time employment.
So during this time, not only did I whip my resume into shape, I also (at the advice of an engineering placement firm) made a frickin' job list and a proper damn portfolio. *kicks myself* Of course it took forever and it's something that I should have started a long long (long) time ago, but I was so busy with work over the years that I never really stopped to take a breath and properly represent myself. So, maybe this was a good thing, in a sense, for me to collect myself and prepare for the next step of my career. But anyway, on to the good bits.
Once the resume was whipped into shape, I made it my job to find a job. That fat bastard of my resume got plastered everywhere! EVERYWHERE. Careerbuilder, Monster, anything that remotely looked like "engineering" on Craig's List, Indeed, sologig, Net Temps and finally a headhunters for engineering. I think in all I applied to about 30 different places and got some type of correspondence back from maybe between 5 and 8 places and had one interview. So, let's just say I was a little depressed.
So, despite my fragile emotions and wanting desperately to sleep all day, I made a point to wake up at 9. I wanted to still be among the living, so to speak. And in case I got an email or a call back from someone, I didn't want them to wake me up and catch my "AHHH, sleepy Christine angry" voice.
This morning, I wanted to tap my alarm and sleep an extra half hour, but I figured I'd check my Crackberry just in case. Thankfully I did because on it was a little email back from a firm I had applied to a few weeks ago wanting to see me for an interview!! So I check through my emails and try to find out through what mode of job seekering did I contact them with, sure enough it was dumb ol' Craig's List. *sigh*
I went through Craig's List again a few weeks ago in a desperate last stab at finding a job on my own. Later on I got picked up by a placement agency and essentially gave up trying to find anything on my own. So this was one of those last firms I had applied too. This is a place in Chelsea of Manhattan, and in a nice turn of luck it's right near where my penthouse is going up. This is a project I did with my now former employer, but still get some questions and calls from people if there are any problems or issues, so I made sure to point that out in my email to this potential firm. Turns out it worked and separated me out of the mass of resumes that they were wading through (the Principal emailed me and admitted to being smacked with MANY resumes, so you know he was being nice and really wanted to say "dudette, you're lucky we even found you in this dumpster full of paper.")
So yes, my interview is set for Monday at 2PM and I will be sweating and preparing all weekend up until that very 5 minutes before. Wish me luck!
And also, thanks to all my friends that have either helped me out emotionally, financially or whatever. You guys have been great and are true friends. :-)
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