...except, if anything good happens. If anything good happens, it was because of me (bad boss, BB).
Case in point: I took the end of last week off to spend time with my Monkey (her name is A and I like to call her that :-) ). BB had promised something to the building department by the end of the week after I had discussed taking those days off with BB. He did not clear this with Coworker nor tell Coworker. When I greeted Coworker the day before I would be leaving, Coworker had no idea and I could tell that the work that was left on the project far outweighed an 8 hour day which was all I could offer Coworker. He had that far away engineer's look of "oh crap...I'm going to be here a while..."
I come back today (Monday morning) and we get delivered the set of prints of the project that was submitted. Coworker opens them up and sees that in those two days I was off, somehow the date was never changed on the titleblock. It reads exactly one month previous to today.
Somehow, even in my absence, BB will make this my fault. He has the uncanny ability to twist situations and cast blame away from him. This is the definition of a BB; throwing blame instead of quelling blame because, regardless, this bad thing happened, we can all choose to fix it and move forward or we can dwell on it and blame the new girl since she has already given notice and it would be convenient to blame her since she's leaving anyway and probably sabotaged the drawings. It's not the fact that, in my absence, BB and Coworker were left to their own drafting abilities and simply overlooked the titleblock in their haste. But no, everything bad that happens is my fault.
Updates to follow if the mistake is even caught by BB or if Coworker brings it up to BB behind a closed door or when I go out to lunch.
Labels: BBChronicles