Interview #3 and a renewed hope
Well, since this was only my third interview in nearly 6 months, I've now gone completely superstitious and refused to announce to the internetz that I actually went on an interview. So now I feel I can actually talk about it since I don't think any bad juju can fall onto the prospect (I hope, *pulls out beads for St. Jude*).
I received a call last Saturday, on my birthday no less, from this company out of East Hartford. The pre-interview went well, even though this is a bit out of my driving range I figured, what the hell, they sound like a good place and do everything from HVAC to architectural goodies as well as structural stuff. So I agreed to an interview on Thursday at 2.
I checked the place out and tried to figure out where they got my info. from (I didn't want to be rude and ask "so where did you get my resume from??" I felt that may be too desperate even for me). Turns out I didn't apply for them, they must have found me from somewhere. So, since I know nothing besides what was said over the phone, I find them on good old Google.
Turns out they are a great mid size company: they actually are in a real office building (that they designed no less, the showoffs...hehehe), they have a cool young dude in control and an even cooler old dude that started the firm who is one of those eccentric engineers birthed from MIT (I see a good relationship that could form as I myself am just a wee bit eccentric too ;-) ) and they have a great website. Plus they have a broad design portfolio that is pretty decent (I would link to it, but as normal superstitious behavior dictates, I can't as that would bring m bad juju.)
So it is a bit of a drive into foreign territory, East Hartford. Around 50-60 minute commute one way taking I-91 (another foreign land filled with traffic patterns I am not at all used to). However, it's in a officey area with all types of fooderies and even a couple parks, so that's pretty cool.
The interview went well, I would say. We stayed there about an hour and a half gabbing about our experiences, the architects we loved and hated as well as our favorite structural engineers that we went all starry eyed over (I have a crush on Cecil Balmond, he uses chaos theory shapes as structures, *swoons*). And more importantly, I didn't feel a pit of dread in my stomach as I left the interview. Unlike the place in Chelsea, he didn't mention to me the epic battle over the position and they didn't make me feel bad for causing them stress in making a decision. Hence, these guys are pros.
So they said they'd get back to me in a few weeks and we'll go from there. At this point, I was just happy to get called for an interview. I would love to work with them however, I know how many people are probably vying for this position, so I will keep my hopes low and keep my bridges open and running for the other options that may be presented to me.
But c'mon, it's a crazy MIT guy, who wouldn't like him as your boss?! Especially in an engineering office!? OMG the antics that we could get away with...I would have to introduce him to the whole Cube Warfare division of Thinkgeek. ;-)
*fingers crosses and prayers for St. Jude (yes, that's the Patron Saint of Lost Causes, I know what kind of economy we are in, get those hands up and praying!)*
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