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Monday, July 13, 2009


My search is over, my 6 months of scraping by and scavenging for work is over, I have been hired by the firm out of East Hartford. I will start 8/10 and begin a new portion of my career.

This has probably been the most trying few months of my life and I am glad it is over with. A recession means that no one's job is safe and I've been humbled tremendously by my layoff. It also taught me to save more and not squander my money, so even though it hurt and depressed me I was able to glean some good out of this. I will turn over a new leaf and be smarter with my money.

Also, I appreciate and love all of my friends and family that have helped me out in this time. Some of you know how low I almost got and I really appreciate you being there for me, even though you probably had no idea how much you helped me. I'm a Cancer, I hide things from people, so you'll never know, truly, how much that phone call or that little link via IM really helped me that day. Thank you.


At 12:20 PM, July 17, 2009, Anonymous Shreena said...


Six months...if it wasn't for all the stress and hassle of being unemployed with an uncertain future it would have been a nice mid-career break! I had a bit of a scare recently and it taught me to be more careful for the future too. And to snap out of coasting!


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