Commence Yay Week!
So, since I got hired and am no longer worried about getting hired, I can finally enjoy this time of no work and actually call it a vacation! I had gotten advice earlier on when I had just gotten laid off to just sit back and enjoy the time to yourself, but knowing me and how my one anchor in life had been removed I knew that there was no way I would be able to just sit back and enjoy, that was time to be spent worrying and scouring the ads for employment.
Now that I have gotten my anchor back I now feel free to venture off and enjoy the midweek outside to myself away from office workers and students inside, so this week will be spent out in coffee shops and boutiques and food shops, preparing for my massive month of August filled with a very special visitor and a very extreme road trip up to Buffalo, NY.
Yay Week begins today enjoying my Sunday inside away from all the beach goers and tourists getting my computers and apartment in working order. Tomorrow, weather willing, I will venture out and enjoy the WiFi of some local coffee places and plan out the road trip up North.
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