Independence Day Weekend
Happy Independence Day and for all you UKer's, happy blow stuff up day! All you need to know is that we're American and we enjoy blowing stuff up, that is all, keep it moving, nothing to see here. We're not celebrating any special event or anything, no no, we just call it Independence Day, we're weird like that. *looks around guiltily*
So after some tiffs with the fam (nothing major just dumb disagreements) we had a great little BBQ and a nice little fireworks show. It was a concentrated show full of all the favorites and minus any calls to the po-po from angry, crotchity neighbors.
Today will be spent with running some errands and then training off to Manhattan to have extended birthday celebrations.
Before that, I may be lame and head into the office for a bit. My penthouse framing plans need some revising and I have to figure out how to connect new steel to old cast iron. The PE and me have a tentative plan, we just need to finalize and draw up something.
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