Need for Newness
I think the best way to describe how I've been feeling lately is that I have a growing desire to experience new things and new people. This is probably coming from work being crazy for a while and beginning to ease up slightly, enough for other portions of my brain to free up and start thinking again. Those thoughts end up rattling around in that noggin of mine and they conjure up images of a new boyfriend, new apartment, new vacation spots, new restaurants, new shops, new music; basically, I'm craving a social restart on some levels.
This probably comes from a waning desire to date a particular person since new (startling) information has been found out as well as just a "meh" attitude about the whole thing. I don't want to wait around for someone to be ready to seriously date, I want to meet someone now that wants a somewhat serious relationship. And I'm not talking the moon, I'm just talking about dating exclusively. I'm a simple girl.
As with apartment options, I'm looking into moving (Gomez, NO!) further into Connecticut. I know, I're saying "Christine, that's impossible, that goes against every desire you've ever talked about, you're going to be in sterile alien territory! They'll change you into one of THEM!! You'll live where there are more trees than people!!" But just bear with me as I list why this is good:
- I'll be saving money on gas which is now like pouring liquid gold into GD (Gert-Darcy)
- If the place offers utilities included, I'll be saving money during the winter months which has also steadily been on the increase.
- I want an "engineer's apartment," as my mother eloquently put it. Something that has a washer and dryer that doesn't require quarters to operate, something that has a dishwasher and something that has a stove that's not from the 1940's. Mind you, my stove still kicks major ass (it's a rare push button from back in the day), but c'mon now...
- With all these compounded savings, I'll be able to visit more of you people out in the city.
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