First Hanukkah Dinner!
Well, my friend's not exactly uber Jewish, so it was a rather loose Hanukkah dinner, but damn it, it counts! And it was definitely my first time actually celebrating the holiday.
And since I'm a recovering Catholic (and therefore I have no religion) it was really nice to see her light the Menorah and say the traditional prayers for the candle that signified tonight's passing. I always enjoy seeing others appreciate and actually keep up with their religious practices it kind of makes me feel like when I was a child going to church and actually got feelings of warmth and security (obviously before I was old enough and wise enough to know better).
We also helped her make the famous latkas (or potato pancakes, for you gentiles out there) which is great since I always like to help out with the cooking, I can't just watch people cook without feeling the need to help out in some way (that's the Italian in me I guess). I also got properly smashed on the many bottles of wine that were opened throughout the course of the night since my friend is also a bit of a wine collector and loves to share and teach about each of the wine's she fancies.
So yes, a very good Hanukkah indeed, just without the Manischewitz unfortunately.
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