Let the Day of Gluttony Begin!
Well, at least the preparation for it.
Yes, that's right. It's that time of year again were the crazy Americans celebrate the good harvest that the crazy Puritans finally had when they decided to steal, I mean take advice, from the Native American's. And that means a federally sanctioned holiday of gluttony!! WOOO!! And people wonder why we're the fattest nation in the world, maybe it's because we have a friggin' holiday dedicated to gorging yourself all day and then napping off the rest of the day because you've eaten yourself into a triptafan induced coma (I have no idea how to spell that, so whatever.)
But I love Pecan Pie, I can't help it. :-) Whatever that goo is made out of is God's gift to us and it's a reminder that he does exist and that sometimes he does like us, but only sometimes.
And as good Italian's do, we've made food into an art form, and that food is stuffing. I have an old family recipe that we perform the chemistry of every year the night before Turkey Day like clockwork. It's called Italian Sausage Stuffing and it is glorious. None of this boxed stuffing crap! We make this from scratch (well not the sausage, we buy that, but you know what I mean). So I'm looking forward to that as well and also the bonding with my Mom as we cook it and get it prepared for the next days bird.
So yes, if you don't enjoy this holiday in your country, that sucks for you! So I recommend that you get the nearest foul from your store and just spend a couple hours eating the entire bird yourself, then take a nap while watching sports on TV and that's pretty much the whole day right there.
America, FUCK YEAH!!
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