Some Job Openings Here and There
Meh, I did my scanning of the various job posting sites to see what may have opened up since last week. There are a few more structural positions which makes me feel a little better. I think either people are anticipating a building rush for this coming spring or have twisted a few client's arms into building something.
"C'mon, you just got a couple million dollar loan approval, build something you stingy bastard!"
"HEY! How did you find that out!?!"
"One of my drafters is dating your receptionist. HA! The money cat is out of the bag! You owe me a project! I gave you all those subs for no retainage!"
*ahem* I got on a slight tangent, but yes, that's probably how the conversation would go, but you didn't hear it from me...;-)
Anyway, a few more places have my resume and portfolio and the waiting game will be played yet again.
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