Been a while, but good to be back
Hey there everybody. Glad to see that some of you people are still poking around here. Sorry for not updating, but life decided to happen and thus my blogging switch got turned off.
So here's a quick recap of what's been going on:
- I was hired again back in August. (yay)
-Decided to move closer to this job and move in with Clive (yay!) so we landed this cute "house in the sky" as we like to call it (3rd floor of a very well build house from the turn of the century: true 2x wood, very well blocked floors and in excellent condition).
-Got laid off from new job around Halloween. (BOO!) (Sadly that's all the font enhancing I can do at the moment and I do not feel it conveys my actually feeling about the situation, but I digress...)
-Moved in the end of November anyway and finally unpacked and decorated for Christmas. (yay and yay)
-Now very bored and looking for things to keep me occupied.
Oh yeah, and studying for the PE exam. I keep forgetting that I actually manned up (yes, I feel comfortable using the term manned up, HA!) and sent in the application. If all the paperwork goes through I should be taking it in April of 2010. W00t!! Really I'm so scared out of my mind that the portion of my brain that should be caring right now is hiding out somewhere with it's dolly and sucking it's thumb.
So yeah, that's the scoop right now. I have been dabbling a little with new painting techniques, ie. paint between two pieces of glass and the fun and coolness that ensues when the two pieces meet! Cool things indeed. I may start a whole series on this and I'm thinking of calling it the Squish series, cleverly named of course.
I have a small Flickr set to start, but will surely be adding more and more as I play around with the new medium.
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