Saturday Hiking
Well, me and some friends decided that we all needed to get into shape and that the cheapest way to do it is schedule some type of walking adventure every Saturday or so.
So this past Saturday we ventured into the Westwood Trails of Guilford, CT. Now I've been here previously on a much more difficult trail, so I figured I valued my safety and wanted to try the moderate ones, you know the one's where we wouldn't be literally repelling off of things and hiking up rock faces all after being told we were going for a "light hike." *grumble*
It was such a gorgeous day out, perfect temperature of around 55-60 F and we got to see so much of the woods. Just a wonderful hike all together. We did get a little lost, but with the wonders of modern technology a bunch of city slickers were able to find their ways back by calling up friends and having them check the map online to get us out of there. It was actually kind of fun in a way, but I will definitely be bringing a compass and a map next time. However, I did remember the rule that "moss always grows on the north side of a tree" which actually did help us out.
I love the feeling of getting back into shape again, it was so nice to be able to keep up with everyone and just enjoying the feeling of working out. It's been a while, so I'm glad my body is getting back up to speed.
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