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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Natural Progression

I guess I shouldn't have been miffed when I noticed that a particular person had de-friended me on Facebook. To be honest, I should have been the de-friender all things considered, so it really comes as no surprise. And I guess the 15 year old brat in me was more miffed at being the de-friendee, but all in all it was just the natural order to the failed friendship that it was.

I had become friends with this person really as a way to spring back from a casual dating venture that didn't work out back a couple years ago. My intentions were romantic, but it just wasn't "there" for both of us, so it slowly became a friendship. Then stuff got weird (I'm not going to go there on here) and I ended up ending communications. Now I see I am one friend down on Facebook and am content about it in the sense that this was closure to this thing that was created.

I guess it all makes sense that it ended in such a passive aggressive way. Now looking back, we were two different personalities that got along only tenuously as it was, and I think we were both too proud or too lonely to really admit that it had the life expectancy of an acquaintenceship and that was all it was meant to be.

If I were to bump into this person again, I'm not sure what I'd say or whether or not I would even stop to think about saying something. I guess it just depends on my mood when this does happen.

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At 11:23 PM, September 24, 2008, Blogger baphomette said...

Been thru the de-friending drama on MySpace (not Facebook) and I concur - it is VERY VERY retarded!


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