Glasgow London Westwoods Skies Los Angeles

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

OMG Happy Fun Times!

I can't even think about blogging right now, I'm at work and have drawings that need to be chugged out for a meeting tomorrow, but here's a very quick wrap up.

- picked up friends in Manhattan and drove down to Philadelphia for NIN funtimes and meetup funtimes

-NIN funtimes and saw NIN again. Awesome show and opening band was great as well, "Does it offend you, yeah?" (Yes, that's the whole name of the band.)

-great food and great booze
-hilarious karoke session
-funtimes with new friends

-great hangover cure restaurant goodness
-saw Tropic Thunder
-said tearful good byes
-drove home
-slept like a baby

Will elaborate once I get some time. Photos to follow.


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