Well, it's been a while and that means I've been happy, busy and sick all at different times.
More recently, I had some type of weird sickness where I suddenly came down with a fever of about 100.7 with swollen lymph nodes and everything plus abdominal cramping?! I ended up taking yesterday off so that I could recuperate and nap off whatever this weird illness was.
Yesterday was 9/11 and since I spent it home I got to quietly contemplate on my own the meaning of that day to me; not only personally but professionally as well. It's a day for structural engineers to remember to design redundantly, that we can't simply rely on things being up to code. We have to take into account the oddball scenarios that may not happen. Personally, I'll always feel close to my tri-state area people. I'll never feel lost or not at home on the subways or the Metro-North trains. I'll never feel alone walking around the city or even driving around to a meeting.
In the boy front: :-) (Yes, I'm being vague, MWAHAHAHA!! Suffer!!)
For this weekend:
- tonight will be spent with my sister and since I actually have money again (w00t) I'm actually going to take her out to dinner, like a proper older sister should
-tomorrow will be spent down in the Boogie Down (the Bronx) with Laura Anne, Gert will be happy to see his mommy again
-Sunday will be spend recuperating from the Boogie Down
For now I leave you with some YouTubery from my Philadelphia adventures:
What is LOVE??
Der Kommissar's in town...ah, oh no!
And it was all about this crazy guy...
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