Better known as the recap post because I've been to busy/lazy (yes, those both can happen at the same time) to do a proper post (let alone Twitter).
'Tis better to have crushed than have lost my rep. as an engineer. My friends are awesome and my instincts rock and I'm so thankful to have listened to them and not actually responded to any of the ham-handedness that's been going on for the past few months or so with someone we have referred to as CC. *whew* "Missed it by THAT much..." It was kind of a bummer today to find out about things, but I was so glad to here about it because it was not going to come from CC at all and I'd rather experience a quick band-aid getting pulled off of me than an open-heart surgery without anesthesia. I owe some mofos some drinkies! *points*
Since breakfasteries (yeah, I'm making up a new word, that's right) are few and far between in New Haven, I checked out one first with some friends then with my sister. It's on State Street and it's called Menu, but it's actually pronounced "Me 'n You." *collective "awwwwwww"* Great food, great coffee and stuff is actually able to keep for the next day. I had my pastrami omelet quesadilla (oh that's right, you read that right, it was a beautiful thing) this morning fresh out of the microwave and it was just as good!
I also saw "Hamlet" over the weekend at Edgerton Park's Shakespeare in the Park series. OK, yes, Hamlet is a bit long, but it's made so much better when you actually see it as it was meant to be seen: outside in the open air with food that you smuggled in along with smuggled in booze on collapsible chairs. Now THAT'S how the Brits of old would have seen it! The actors need to make you want to stay there and fence convincingly as well as go nuts convincingly! They have to make you care about this imaginary thing even over booze and food (and annoying dogs barking...eesh...). *raises a glass*
Posted on behalf of my awesome friend at work:
Coming from someone who worked with "CC" (btw, you have to tell me what that stands for. Please dont tell me it's CupCake!) for almost 4 years now...I've told you this already and I'll say it again. You deserve someone on a WAY higher level than him. There are only so many conversations you could have about muscles, boobs and drinking. *YYAAAWWN*
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