Mo' Money, Mo' Problems
Biggie was right, it seems that the more money you make will be followed by bigger problems that you will have to deal with. Bigger bills, more responsibilities and massive amounts of agita. Case in point is my current financial status which will blissfully change this Thursday, but for right now is in the complete crapper.
This is what happens when you are screwed out of a paycheck for the end of May. For me, I still had rent due for the month of June, but my landlord's were nice enough to give me time to pay it the next time that I got paid. So I was able to pay that off in mid June, but then the next pay period I had July's rent due. So that was essentially a double rent that I paid off in a matter of 2 weeks. Plus I had new costs to deal with: parking in New Haven being the major one of them.
However, after this Thursday I will no longer be cringing when I look up my banking balance online, because this will probably be my first new paycheck that I'll actually be able to retain a sizeable portion of. It'll really be something else to be able to go out and buy lunch again or go out and actually pay for dinner or maybe even pay for a friend or two. I can perhaps do a proper grocery hunt and actually get the things that I need.
It's been a rough financial start to my new job, but I'm glad I made the move. Obviously, everything will balance out eventually and since I make more than I did at my old firm, that I'll be better off than before. So soon (Thursday hopefully), I'll be able to live like I actually do get a bigger paycheck than before.
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