Wine Cures Colds
Oh that's right, I said it.
I've recently discovered this last night while enjoying copious amounts of this elixor with a freshly broken up friend that needed some "sulking time." Said friend has come back from a sojourn from Argentina and has a bit of a penchant for Malbec and Cabernet, so I was of course obliged to take in this poor, sulking creature even though I still had my cold gnawing away at my sanity.
So after about a bottle each (oh yeah, you read that right), I immediately went to bed with a nice glass of water just in case the late night dehydration kicked in from drinking so much. So when I woke up, at first I had the normal "OMG, WHY DID I DRINK THAT MUCH" feelings, but as I started to become human again I realized I could breathe again and any coughing I did was nothing at all. I haven't even blown my nose yet or at least not to the brain-busting speed that I was before.
So yes, thank you Argentina for producing not only gorgious wines, but also impregnating them with mystical, cold-curing properties. Hopefully this will help me get through the mountains of laundry and dishes that I have to do as well, but we shall see...
oh does it really ? I dint know dat Wine Cures colds tooo :-)
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