I guess this shouldn't cause me so much joy, but I'm like a little damaged work doggie that constantly needs to be told that it's doing a good job, "such a good girl Eris, yes you are!" But, my boss was going over my drawings for the car dealership that we're doing and he was very pleased.
Aside from some alterations he wants to make since he knows WAY more about construction than I do (15 years >> 4 years) it seems like he's pleased and really respects my opinion. His alterations consist of easier ways of actually building this thing i.e. he knows ways of keeping the concrete guys happy while also keeping the steel guys happy while also not breaking the hearts of the masonry guys. "OK, if you make this simply 1" change, you will eliminate a lot of headaches with the steel since it's easier for the concrete to be cut in the field and grouted then having to tell them in the steel shop." That's a typical statement young engineers will hear since we're still full of theories that work on paper, but not in the field.
So yay! Eris is happy and working away like a good worker bee. Bzzz bzzzz...
Everyone loves positive feedback, no matter how much experience they have. Well done.
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