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Thursday, March 06, 2008

I Miss Doing Nothing

I need a weekend where I do absolutely nothing. It's been a while since I've had one of these and now I see what the real benefits are to having at least one weekend of nothing to do.

With my new job, I have to get up every morning at 6. For 3 1/2 years the earliest I usually woke up was 7 and really when I got comfortable with how much time I really needed, 7:30. So because of that hour to hour and a half earlier wake up time, I've lost time after work when I caught up with friends, organized my upcoming bills, cleaned and just sat and did nothing because I now go to bed earlier. I actually get tired around 9:30 at night!! This is unheard of for me. I used to be the constant night owl, the radical insomniac, the night person that can stay up until 2AM and still wake up for work the next day. But even with all that, I love my new job. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm very happy here and I hope to stay here as long as I can.

So most nights, sadly, I come home, chat with friends to catch up, make some visits to local friends, make plans to visit out of state friends and then I'm tired already. Time for bed!! I used to get in a good portion of [adult swim] before I went to bed and I used to have more time to do things like get my plans, personal and financial, ready for the upcoming months.

So with this realization, I plan on doing nothing this weekend!!! (Except maybe Friday night...) So yes, Saturday and Sunday are going to be filled with me staying in and cleaning, watching TV, reading and, weather permitting, taking a walk around my neighborhood.

Commence mental repair time - T Minus 2 days...


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