I am sick.
Yup, I think I got away in a recirculated air office without being sick for much too long. The gods have smote me finally with something weird. Essentially, for a week my lymph nodes in the right side of my neck have been hella swollen, but I didn't feel weird aside from feeling really tired.
Then over the weekend I started waking up with "the sweats" where I would basically wake up in the middle of the night dripping with my own sweat. Yes, it felt even more disgusting that that description too. Also, J was moving into his new place and I kept pushing myself a bit too far, much to the dismay of J since he kept saying "Eris, I'm OK, I don't want you to get sick." But he is now learning how aggressively nice I can be. *big cheesy grin* Plus, I like helping and this is a huge move for J, I wanted to be there for him. :-)
So after all that, not too much happened. I did lose my appetite Friday night and then just went to sleep afterwards. Occasionally I'll get SMASHING headaches and I'll have touches of vertigo, kind of like someone is poking me from behind and trying to push me down slightly. So yeah, I called the doctor and arranged an appointment for 2:45 yesterday.
To be continued...
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