Google & Yahoo Shenanigans
Well, going through my Statcounter logs, I saw some interesting hits to my blog from random Google and Yahoo search strings. Some I understand, some puzzle me and hurt my head:
"tweed trousers" dandyism - I blogged about the kind of pants I wore to my interview, but I have no idea about that dandyism part.
"die in a fire" - He he he...
professional office clothing - I remember expressing feeling weird having to wear it all the time, but alas, I have gotten used to it and it's pretty kick ass, I must admit.
logic for - This is a friend's company that I happily pimp (check the home page on the side).
how long is park avenue south of grand central going to block off in the morning? - This was probably because I was posting all the bits about the steam pipe explosion that happened in New York a while ago, and it's sad to say that even the cops down on the street wouldn't know about that information, your ass has just got to wait.
dana eris - ?? Who is this Dana?
dana eris pictures - NO! I don't know who she is and don't have pictures of her either.
Mediterranea Hookah Bar in New Haven - I had a such great time at Mediterranea in New Haven that I decided to blog about it. It is in fact a great place and I love their lamb.
"dirty pictionary" - I can't even count how many hits I've gotten to my blog from that stupid post I did about playing Dirty Pictionary with some friends in the winter. Go away! I don't house the rules for this game, so just go look elsewhere!
"What's Your Seduction" - He he he...this was a nifty little quiz that you could take to determine how you seduce people.
I saw this wino, he was eating grapes. I was like, "Dude, you have to wait.""this bedroom has an oven in it" - both of these are from my Daily Mitch-isms, so keep those hits coming, I want to spread the holy words of Mitch Hedberg as much as I can.
"foxy lady", blogspot - Well, this is obvious... ;-)
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