"Now if-a 3 turned out to be 5..."
Apparently when you write out a check for $374 to you health insurance company that means that they can really take out $574.
*checks memos*
Nope, I didn't get the recent memo about the change in our number system that makes 3 equal to 5 so you people at my bank will have to bare with my yelling and condescension until this gets fixed.
I did speak with a nice woman on the phone about it and apparently, what she thinks may have happened, is that my health insurance billing department somehow thought my 3 looked like a 5 and instead of reading what was written on the legal line (THREE HUNDRED AND ......) they just "coded" it as $574. So basically, my bank will simply refund me my $200 back probably by the end of the day if not tomorrow morning.
Now, I'm happy that they see what happened and are quickly willing to refund me the difference, however I'm not so happy that this whole thing happened to begin with. Where is my trust now that if I write a check out for a certain amount that that amount I had intended to pay will accurately be taken out of my account???
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