"Scared Money Don't Make None..."
To anyone on here who is in college or around that age, listen up. Do not live vicariously through your credit card(s) and more importantly, if at any time you are completely strapped for cash and can no longer make your payments, consolidate those debts into something manageable.
I am 25 years old, I make an engineer's salary and yet it took me this long to get a loan for a car, an unsecured loan mind you, not even a proper one. And why is this? Why on an engineer's salary am I forced to get an unsecured loan (for a smaller amount than I need, by the way)? Because the two things I mentioned not to do in the beginning of this post are things that happened to me when I was a wee nipper of 18. And believe me, I'm happy to even get that loan, to be quite honest.
However, as my loan lady informed me, this is a massive step toward salvaging my credit. Even in 6 months to a year I'll be able to hike up at least 2 tiers and then will be able to refinance for an even better loan. So even if you think you've reached bottom with your credit, do not worry. It can be salvageable, believe me. Again, this is probably better suited to someone with a higher income level, but even making entry level income (if it's steady) can afford you a way to salvage yourself in front of the great fake money gods.
The Golden Rule: Do not sign up for every credit card on the planet simply because they send you stuff in the mail or they happen to have tables set up at your university. Just get one manageable card that you use sparingly and always pay off more than the monthly amount due, or just pay off completely.
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