I <3 NPR
NPR's just been added to my News roster (it's to the left and towards the bottom kind of).
Yes, they are part of the "liberal media" and THANK GOD! I love how they don't take any crap when it comes to the news and it's refreshing to here about things that I probably wouldn't on network news stations.
Plus they have a nifty music portion of the show everyday which is great. I get to broaden my musical horizons just a teensie bit. And that's saying a lot because I'm becoming very rigid in my musical tastes as I get older, I'm turning into my Dad who only listens to one radio station and rebuys albums he had on vinyl on CD. So every little bit of spoon fed exposure helps me to add some more music to my collect.
Hendrix is still the best though! \m/
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