Daily Mitchism
I wanted to do my 'Smokey the Bear' joke in England, but I had ask if they had 'Smokey the Bear in england', and they don't. They have 'Smacky the Frog'. I think that is a way better system, because bears can be mean, but frogs are always cool. Like, never has there been a frog hoppin' towards me, and I thought, "Man, here comes that frog. I better play dead." Never have I said "here comes that frog" in a horrified manner. Its always optimistic, like, "Hey. Here comes that frog. Alright. Maybe he will settle near me, and I can pet him, and hold him. And put him in a mayonnaise jar. With a stick and a leaf. To recreate what he's used to. And I'm gonna poke holes in the lid, 'cuz he's definitely used to air."
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